We haven’t really talked about it yet, or even celebrated it, but Evoke Strategy is so proud to have entered into our second year in business! Our first year anniversary came and went quietly – a good indication of where we are right now. Busy, serving clients, exactly where we want and need to be – but not as inwardly focused as we could be.
And that’s what we talk about all the time, right? How does a small business manage day-to-day operations and market their own business? It’s a challenge, but it’s doable.
Having a vision is important and going into year two we have new expectations for Evoke, new challenges and new objectives. Every business needs to do this on a regular basis – review, regroup and plan ahead.
Client service is and always will continue to be our number one priority. We couldn’t be more thankful for our fantastic clients and enjoy working with each and every one. We’re building businesses, shaping businesses, publicizing businesses – it’s been quite a year. And wow, the amount of talent, drive and expertise out there is truly inspiring.
We continue to see the benefits of strong strategic planning and one thing that has proven especially useful is our messaging workshops. You’ll hear more about these moving forward but they have been extremely insightful for clients looking forward, refining who they are, what they do, where they’re going and how they succinctly communicate all this to their audiences.
One of our goals for year two is to continue to get more involved in the community. Our goal in starting Evoke has always been to create a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and local business owners, and that will be more of a focus for us this year.
So, here’s to year two – a year of continued client service, community involvement and a little more introspection. Oh, and we’ll celebrate that anniversary soon! Stay tuned….
In the meantime, here’s a blast from the past. I’d say much of this is still true….